Stress management & self-leadership

· luckyowl's blog

# General info

The brain always prioritises to perform. It is because of rewards for performance, as the reward system is activated and the dopamine is released.

Multitasking is a usual / common source of stress. Our brain is not designed to do several things at a time. We should have about 20 minutes between sessions of focus for context switching.

Physical signs of stress: heartbeat increases, hands sweaty, etc. During stress the blood goes out to the large muscle groups, which is not so helpful now.

The stress response in the current world activates to many things happening around us.

Harmless stress - when it's functional, short term, and afterwards one can rest and recover (running for a bus, or two days of high pace and then recovery).

Harmful stress - when it's constant.

Even though we know that, we still prioritise performance.

# Unhelpful strategies of dealing with stress

These are often unconsciously chosen as a response to stress:

Poll: do you recognise yourself in these?

If we don't rest - the stress response begins to hook, we get too tired, and it leads to burnout.

# What to do instead

Instead we should listen to our body signals. We are not taught on how to listen to these. When you have low energy levels, there are several warning signs your body warns you.

# Physical:

  1. You become sedentary and rarely take breaks
  2. You often get sick, have headaches / migranes
  3. You often wake up during the night, before the alarm rings - stress hormons are high, our brain stays focused and alert
  4. You exercise or move very rarely and often feel tired - you don't have everyday exercies, body focuses on energy conservation

# Mental:

  1. Hard time focusing on one thing at a time
  2. Often work evening or weekends, the work / life border is blurry, you are stretching the ending time
  3. You are often impatient and restless (have a hard time focusing on what a person is saying)
  4. You often forget little things, or things to do (for example, you regularly forget the keys from the laundry when going to it, or your phone before going out)

# Emotional:

  1. Often feel easily irritated or have mood swings
  2. You say "yes" to things even when you are tired or have a lack of time
  3. You spend too little time with your friends / loved ones
  4. You have too little time for things you like to do

Poll: how many of these do you recognise:

0-2 - have everything under control 3-5 - that's okay 😐 6-9 - 🥵 10-12 - 😱

This can always change, and you can do this exercise at any moment.

# How to change

To change that, listen to your body signals. Catherine McCarthy & Tony Schwartz had a study in a bank, introducing small changes. The habbits they were introducing:

# Physical:

  1. fall asleep at regular times - 10pm is a regular time
  2. reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption - caffeine remains in the body for up to 12 hours
  3. reduce screen usage - especially in the bedroom. Helps differ work / sleep mode for the brain
  4. increase movement during the daylight for at least 20 minutes
  5. have breaks every 60 minutes - without a phone, not listening to anything, quick walk around the block to get some fresh air, no screen
  6. note the body signals

# Mental:

  1. Turn off notifications / use the Flight mode when you need to focus / be productive
  2. Schedule time to respond to emails and admin tasks - everyone is different, and often different tasks are better to be taken at different times
  3. make sure there is more air (empty slots) in your schedule - it otherwise feels over-crowded, which by itself adds some stress
  4. find ways to spend more time on tasks you do best and enjoy, both at work and everyday life

# Emotional:

  1. Check in with yourself more often & put words into your feelings to reduce stress & anxiety - try to express the feelings to yourself & others, and the stress hormons will decrease
  2. Ask yourself what would be most helpful / best to you right now
  3. Plan on how to communicate how you feel and what you need from others ("can you help me prio?", "can we remove something from my list?", reach to someone else)

Poll: which habit are you most likely to try out?

Better to take one thing at a time.